Quinn Costello & Jeff Springer

Sound accompaniment: possibly wind chimes, a baby holler, sirens outside, ice crunching, a dog barking outside, shuffling of papers

Drinks: Coffee from a 5lb bag, Folgers coffee repackaged to look like higher tier coffee

*Quinn’s image is, at times, a little delayed from his voice, but it’s all good.
(guest appearance: Monkey the cat)

Quinn Costello
Jeff Springer(Together, with Chris Metzler, they made Rodents of an Unusual Size)

Some things that joined us in the conversation: tigers with coronavirusD.L. Anderson, Jeremy Lange, Clare Major, ITVS, USC, Arista Records, Evergreen College, The Goldman Environmental Prize, American Movie, Decline of Western Civilization Part II, Hearts of Darkness, Fast, Cheap, and Out of Control, Adam Curtis, Darwin's Nightmare, Honeyland, Anna Karenina, Crime & Punishment, 99% Invisible, Radiolab, Serial, This American Life, Ram Dass, Utopia for Realists, Rebecca Solnit, Third Coast International Audio Festival, Ira Glass